"There’s Archimedes, and I think he’s had an idea! “Eureka!” Archimedes, out to Socrates. Socrates back to Archimedes. Archimedes out to Heraclitus who beats Hegel. Heraclitus a little flick. Here he comes, on the far post. Socrates is there! Socrates heads it in! Socrates has scored! The Greeks are going mad! The Greeks are going mad! Socrates scores! But a beautiful cross from Archimedes. The Germans are disputing it! Hegel is arguing that the reality is merely an a prioriadjunct of non-naturalistic ethics. Kant, via the categorical imperative, is holding that ontologic exists only in the imagination, and Marx is claiming that it was offside."International Philosophy Match, Germany v Greece, Olympic Stadium Munich

The game in which the Greeks put one over that German Kant. Devised by Cleese, Palin, Idle and the rest it was surely one of their funniest moments, without a dead parrot or silly walk to be seen. Design features match-winning goal from Socrates in diagramatic form with accompanying commentary. Strictly unofficial.
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Product Code: 390